For more information, click on the links below:
- Bacteria Causes SIDS
- Antibacterial wipes can spread superbugs
- HELP CONGRESS STOP MRSA! - Just fill out the information on this page and your message will be sent to your elected officials in Congress.
- HospitalInfection.org
- Infections With Drug-Resistant Intestinal Bug Accelerating

- Over 2 million patients contract a nosocomial infection in medical facilities each year.
- Over 100,000 patients die from nosocomial infections each year.
- It is estimated that somewhere between $30-$50 billion is spent each year on treating nosocomial infections.
- CMS (Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services) will no longer reimburse medical facilities for "never events", such as UTI's related to the use of a catheter, beginning October 1, 2008. This is part of the Deficit Reduction Act of 2005.
- It is anticipated that all insurance companies and state agencies will follow the policy of CMS over time.
- UTI's are the largest single nosocomial infection reported by hospitals, mainly caused by the use of a catheter.
- CDC reports that over 560,000 UTI's are reported each year. This number is believed to be far below the actual number experienced.
- MRSA (methicillin-resistant) infections now account for almost 70% of all Staphylococcus aureus infections. MRSA infections increasingly cannot be cured with commonly used antibiotics. MRSA is spread through contact between people in the hospital.
- The Hygenique has received Premier's Technology Breakthrough Award for product superiority when compared to other hygiene products.
- The Hygenique removes the bacteria from the perineal/peri-rectal area of the body that can lead to nosocomial infections.
- The Hygenique stimulates voiding, which can reduce the need for a catheter. This is consistent with the CMS mandate.
- The cost of using the Hygenique cleansing system, will average approximately $10.00 per patient stay. Individual home systems are also available. With doctor and staff support, the Hygenique is reimbursable in most circumstances. Reimbursement Code: E0161
- Based upon hospital data, the reduction of one nosocomial infection would provide Hygenique care to 1,500 patients.